Find Indiana Health Insurance Quotes

Getting Indiana health insurance quotes is as easy as going to Acceptable Answers to Insurance. There, you can get a free quote in just a few minutes. The great thing about it is that at AAI, you can have the agents compare the policies for you, saving you a lot of time and frustration.

AAI is an independent insurance agency. That means that they work with several of the best insurance companies in the country to provide their clients with top-notch coverage.

An independent insurance agent makes it his business to know each of the companies with whom he does business. Once he talks to you, his potential customer, he has an idea of your insurance needs, and he can look at the different policies at his disposal to find one that works best for you.

When you go with a captive agent, you don’t get to comparison shop. A captive broker works for one company, so when you say you need coverage, his options are limited. He has to write you a policy from the ones supplied by the one insurance company.

While a captive agent may have some negotiation powers with the insurance company for which he works, he doesn’t have nearly as much leverage as the independent agent. This is because the insurance company knows that the independent agent can go with another insurance policy, if they aren’t willing to work with the agent. This is a great way to save money. After all, comparison shopping works with cars and houses, so why shouldn’t you be able to do it for insurance, too?

Whether you go with an independent agent or a captive agent, you have many choices for your health insurance. For instance, if you select an HMO for your coverage, you’ll find you are charged much less for medical care because all of your treatment is within the network of providers. These providers give a great discount to the insurance company, which is passed on to you. That’s why, when you receive a “this is not a bill” statement from your insurance company, you’ll see different amounts. There is a column for the doctor’s fee, then another column for “adjustment.” That’s the amount that is subtracted from the medical service you received. The balance will be the responsibility of either you or the insurance company.

When does your insurance company start paying that balance? That depends on other characteristics of your policy. If you have low copay and deductible, the insurance company will start paying their share of your medical expenses earlier than if you has a high deductible. The reason the deductible may go up is to keep your insurance policy more affordable. A high deductible will result in low premiums. This is great if you are never sick, but if you have someone at home who has a chronic illness, or if you have little children, you need a more affordable policy. This may mean that you pay a little more for your insurance, but less for medical care. Your Indiana health insurance quotes will explain all of this.

Our friendly insurance agents are here for you and are eager to help you find the best plan for you. Visit our website or call us toll free at (888) 355-7129.

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Find Affordable Indiana Disability Insurance

Indiana disability insurance, available through Acceptable Answers to Insurance, can help you bridge the gap when you are incapacitated. Loss of income due to illness or injury is one of the biggest problems facing workers, and the financial devastation from being unable to pay bills has left more than one person homeless.

Financial advisors recommend at least 3 months worth of your salary to be saved up in case of emergency. Some of the advisors even say 6 months of salary. This way, if you become incapacitated, you’ve got no loss of income for at least 3 months. But, how many of us can do that in this economy? Maybe if you had a savings account, but it’s gotten tapped out with the crazy economic weather you’ve had. This means that if something happens to you or your spouse, you don’t have anything to fall back on. That is, unless you have Indiana disability insurance.

Indiana disability insurance is designed to replace your income if you are injured or sick and can’t work. If the injury or illness is job related, you get workman’s comp. But if it’s not, you’re on your own. Your disability insurance will also supplement your workman’s comp, if you need it to. While some states require people to carry their own disability insurance, Indiana does not.

You usually have insurance to protect our major assets. For instance, your home is possibly the greatest asset many people own, and put homeowner’s insurance on it. Cars are the next most expensive asset that people own, and are required by law to carry insurance on that. Liability is required in almost all of the 50 states. And, many people consider health to be a major asset, and carry health insurance to maintain medical coverage. Many of us neglect the greatest asset of all, income. Your ability to work is often taken for granted, until it’s lost it. But you can get insurance to protect your income, too, through Indiana disability insurance.

Any injury or illness that keeps you from working can qualify you for a claim on your disability insurance. Anything from cancer treatments to maternity leave can justify your claim. It depends on the kind of pricy you choose.

  • A short term policy, for instance, will pay benefits for between 3 months and one year. This is usually enough time to get back on your feet, if the injury or illness is not catastrophic. With a short term policy, you can anticipate a quicker payout, but it will be a little more expensive.
  • A long term policy is designed to supply benefits for over a year. This is good for someone who might have to go through rehab to be able to work, again. With a long term policy, you won’t have premiums as high as with a short term policy, but you’ll wait longer for the payout if you are disabled.

Indiana disability insurance can be designed to bridge the gap to protect your assets. Our friendly insurance agents are here for you and are eager to help you find the best plan for you. Visit our website or call us toll free at (888) 355-7129.

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Find an Indiana Auto Insurance Plan

If you need to find an Indiana auto insurance plan, there’s no better place to go than Acceptable Answers to Insurance. There, you’ll find all of your answers to laws concerning Indiana auto insurance, and you’ll find a policy that’s just right for you. I know I did.

It’s the law to have liability insurance. This is called the Financial Responsibility Law, and is intended to make sure that all drivers in Indiana are able to pay for any damage they do if they cause a wreck.

Of course, there are several ways to do this. One is to file a bond to prove that you will pay for any damage you cause. Another way is to have a certificate of self-insurance. You can also place a deposit of $40,000 with the state, so that if you cause a wreck, there is that amount of money they can apply to damages. Or, the simpler way, is to simply get a liability insurance policy.

The minimum liability you can carry is $25,000 for each person that gets injured. That’s up to $50,000 for each accident. So, If 4 people are injured, the insurance must cover as much as $50,000 of their medical bills. You also have to carry $10,000 of coverage to repair property, such as the other person’s car. Or, if the accident involves you running over their fence or other landscaping, you’ll have coverage for repairs.

Some cities are instituting a tow law for people who don’t have liability insurance. So, if you get caught without liability, your car can be impounded in those cities. That’s not a state law – yet. The state penalty for driving without an Indiana auto insurance plan is a 90 day suspension of your driver’s license. It costs $150 to reinstate your license. For a second offense, it’s still the 90 day suspension, but it costs you $225 to reinstate your license. A third offence is a 90 day suspension and $300 reinstatement charge. This accumulates from year to year. If you have 2 offences in one year, you lose your license for a year.

You’ll also need to honor any exclusion on your policy. According to Indiana state law, if a driver in your household is excluded from your policy, the insurance company doesn’t have to pay if that person causes a wreck. The legal ramifications of this situation can be devastating to the owner of the car.

If you let your Indiana auto insurance plan lapse, it can be really costly to reinstate it. Not only do you have to pay the reinstatement fee if your license is suspended, but you often will have to pay 25% to 50% of your policy to get it reinstated.

Finally, Indiana auto insurance plans are written according to your credit history. If you have a good credit history, you can get lower rates. So, it makes sense to try to fix my credit, and keep insurance.

Our friendly insurance agents are here for you and are eager to help you find the best plan for you. Visit our website or call us toll free at (888) 355-7129.


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Disability Insurance in Indiana

Disability insurance in Indiana is available through Acceptable Answers to Insurance. It’s really worth my while to carry disability insurance.

A disability is an injury or illness that keeps you from working. Long term disabilities are would be something like cancer, heart disease, and back trouble, of one of many immune deficiency diseases like Multiple Sclerosis or HIV. However, 13% of the people who live in Indiana do have a disability of some sort. That’s in the 18 to 64 age group, which has the most drivers and fills the majority of the work force.

However, there are other types of disability that can strike. While you may be in good health, what if you don’t stay that way?

If you’re not covered by workman’s comp, what if you are injured or get sick, and can’t work for a while? That’s what disability insurance is for.

There are several different options for disability insurance in Indiana. First of all, there is the government option. Social Security Disability is an option, especially for long-term injuries or illness. There are over 165,000 people in Indiana on Social Security disability. The only problem is that it’s hard to qualify for SSDI, and the money isn’t enough to cover all your bills. Your office may also have a disability plan. Once again, check with the plan because the ones from the employers are often quite limited.

You can, however, get disability insurance in Indiana as an individual. This is available through your insurance agent, either through work or your private policy. In fact, most health insurance companies also sell disability. It’s called a voluntary benefit. You can ask your health insurance representative about it at the annual renewal meeting, if you have employer provided health insurance.

You can also go online to get disability insurance. Often, this will be less expensive. That’s because the company doesn’t have as many offices to support, since everything is done online. There will be offices strategically located throughout the area, with most business taken care of on the internet.

To figure how much disability insurance you need, add up any savings you have with the amount of employer disability or SSDI you would get. Then, subtract all of your monthly expenses. If you go into the red, then you probably need to get disability insurance in Indiana.

Our friendly insurance agents are here for you and are eager to help you find the best plan for you. Visit our website or call us toll free at (888) 355-7129.

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Dental Insurance in Indiana

Dental insurance in Indiana is available through Acceptable Answers to Insurance. With AAI, we got great dental insurance for the whole family, at a rate we could afford.

With a good dental insurance in Indiana, you can save a lot of money on having your teeth cleaned, which helps to avoid a lot of other diseases that affect your teeth and gums. You can also get checkups at an affordable rate. How many times do we go without a regular dental checkup, just because we think we can’t afford it? I can think of two root canals I could have avoided, if I had just had the cavities taken care of in a timely manner.

So, get dental insurance in Indiana, so that you can get those fillings. You can also get it for braces! Now, there’s a savings! Kids have braces for anywhere from 2 to 8 years, depending on the corrective work they must have. For instance, an expander is not only uncomfortable for your child; it’s hard on your pocketbook, too.

Very few employers provided health insurance plans that include dental insurance. Some may contain vision, but it’s rare to find one that includes dental, as well. But, when you find dental insurance in Indiana, it’s really great if you can find one that lets you choose the doctor you want to use. If you’re working with an independent insurance agency, you can probably find a dental insurance policy that uses a doctor you want. Each company has its own provider networks, including vision and dental. So, if you tell your independent agent which dentist you want to work with, he can comparison shop through the different companies he works with to find the policy you want. Since he’s independent, he can also negotiate better coverage for you. This is comparison shopping at its best.

Besides getting your choice of dentists, you can spare yourself the paperwork and other hassles of getting dental insurance. With your provider, you can just authorize the agent to take care of the paperwork. The dentist will file the paperwork with your insurance company, and the insurance company will take care of its share of the bill.

  • You can sign up for a variety of plans. For instance, the basic HMO is available to everyone. With the HMO, you use the dentists on the insurance company network. You’ll usually have copayments for services, which are often a fraction of the actual cost of services.
  • You can also get a Point of Service dental plan. This is much like an HMO policy in that you have a dentist in the company insurance network, but if you want to go out of network, you can get permission to do so. The insurance company will pay its “regular and customary fees” for the work you have done.
  • With a PPO, or Preferred Provider Organization, you’ll have your own dentist. You’ll pay him up front, and file for reimbursement from the insurance company Dental insurance in Indiana is a great way to keep your health.

Our friendly insurance agents are here for you and are eager to help you find the best plan for you. Visit our website or call us toll free at (888) 355-7129.


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Blue Cross Blue Shield Indiana and Alzheimer’s

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Indiana, which is available through Acceptable Answers to Insurance, is backed by one of the biggest insurance networks in the country. With millions in investments, and hundreds of thousands of medical services providers in its networks, you can be sure of quality medical care in a timely manner. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Indiana covers treatment for thousands of people every year who suffer from Alzheimer’s.

Medical News Today reports that McGill University’s Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics has recently gained a new understanding of Alzheimer’s.

Alzheimer’s disease creates a communication problem in the brain between the nerve cells. This results in memory loss, damage to cognitive abilities, and physical breakdown. All if this is due to a molecule referred to as nerve Growth Factor, or NGF. NGF works throughout a person’s life to produce health neurons. This is what keeps the brain functional, even as we age. However, for some reason, NGF is very sensitive to the causes of Alzheimer’s. NGF has not flaw or weaknesses in it that would make it susceptible to Alzheimer’s, but it is certainly quick to degenerate when exposed to components of the disease.

By tracing the development and maturation of NGF, researchers have discovered the way the molecule is formed, and they have discovered that the NGF degrades with time, which makes it vulnerable to Alzheimer’s. They have also learned exactly what happens to the NGF when Alzheimer’s attacks it. This is a new discovery to scientists.

In laboratory tests, rats with normal brains received drugs that kept NGF from forming. This resulted in Alzheimer’s like symptoms, with the rats’ losing their cognitive abilities. The step forward came with they then treated the rats with drugs that promote NGF. The ration of neural connectors in the rats’ brains showed a marked improvement.

Alzheimer’s is almost always a fatal disease with no treatment, although some therapies can ease the symptoms for a while. It is first evidenced by forgetfulness that is strong enough to affect everyday functioning. A person with the beginnings of Alzheimer’s will forget important dates, or forget something they have just been told. He or she may not follow conversations well, asking the same question repeatedly.

With forgetfulness that is age related, the person may forget an appointment, but then remember later (usually after it’s too late to make the appointment.) A person with Alzheimer’s may also find it hard to complete normal, everyday tasks. For instance, he or she may have a hard time getting to a grocery store he’s gone to for years.

A healthy brain will be able to follow directions. It’s easy, for instance, to forget to put the salt in a recipe, especially when there are distractions around. However, a brain being affected by Alzheimer’s will have a hard time following a recipe at all, often going over the same part numerous times without awareness of the repetition.

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Indiana will continue monitoring the developments in treatment of Alzheimer’s. This is promising research that must not be ignored. Our friendly insurance agents are here for you and are eager to help you find the best plan for you. Visit our website or call us toll free at (888) 355-7129.

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How to Compare Insurance Quotes Indiana

There are specific steps that you need to take to effectively compare insurance quotes Indiana carriers offer through Acceptable Answers. Most people really do not give much thought to what is the right way to compare insurance quotes. They know that you should compare quotes and they know that comparing quotes is the only way to really realize the savings that you are entitled to.

You can easily follow these simple steps to easily compare the quotes that you gather from

  • Step 1- Gather your information. This may seem like a common sense step but it is the actual first step. Gather all the quotes you have received from and line them up side by side for easy viewing.
  • Step2- Compare first the premiums, make note of any major differences in cost. If you are looking at similar products than the price range should also be similar. If there is a huge gap in one plans premium you will need to really go over the offering of that plan to see if there are any substantial differences in the offering. Of course you want to fully examine each quote but particularly for elimination purposes you want to really review the quotes that are higher than the rest first.
  • Step 3- Make your elimination. Start by eliminating the plans that are financially out of your reach. No matter what the plan offers if you cannot afford it you cannot afford it and you should not compromise your budget.
  • Step 4- Compare insurance quotes Indiana from soup to nuts, that means compare the entire plan. All of it. Compare the premium and the deductible and the cost shares! Don’t leave anything out. You have to compare the entire quote to understand what plan is the right one for you!

Use the agents at Acceptable Answers to help you find the insurance quotes Indiana and the information you need. You can easily get the assistance you need to help you make the right comparison and find the right plan! Call or fill out the contact form today!

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Tips for Comparing Indiana Health Insurance Plans

Comparing Indiana health insurance plans can greatly benefit your budget. Most insurance shoppers have a good idea of exactly what a free health insurance quote looks like many shoppers even feel confident in how they should be comparing plans to get the most out of their free quotes.

Even the most experienced shoppers have something that they can learn from the following tips for comparing health insurance plans. There is a better way to compare plans.

There are certain things that you should be looking for when you are comparing Indiana health insurance plans.

  • Look for value! Many people make the mistake of looking for plans that are cheap. They want to save money and rightfully so they just look at the cost of the premium and nothing more. They do not consider the overall value of the plan. The value of the plan can be determined by combining the entire out of pocket expenses like deductibles, cost shares and premiums than looking at the whole picture.
  • Make sure you understand the wording of the quote. If you have questions about the quote you receive or if you do not understand some of the terms that are used than you need to ask the questions of your agent that will make the quote more understandable. Do not ignore what you do not understand it could wind up costing you more money in the long run or exclude a benefit that you really want.
  • Review as many quotes as you can. It is far better to compare too many quotes than it is to not compare enough quotes.
  • Let Acceptable Answers help you find the right plan at the right price.

Ultimately having an agent to help you compare Indiana health insurance plans is going to be one of the best tips. An agent just has more knowledge about insurance than the average person; it is there business to know!

Give yourself every advantage you can when comparing plans, using an independent agent is one of the best things you can do when you are shopping for insurance. Contact an agent at to get the help you need to compare plans effectively!

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Determining if Individual Health Insurance Indiana is Right for You!

Shopping for individual health insurance Indiana can be a study in confusion. There are so many choices to make that it can be really hard to determine which plan is the right plan for your situation. A lot of consumers misunderstand what the terms used mean.

A good example of a misunderstood term is individual insurance. A lot of people mistakenly think that individual health insurance Indiana is only for people that are single. When in reality anyone can choose this option for their health insurance.

Choosing Individual Health Insurance Indiana When You Are Not Single

There are times when choosing individual health insurance even when you are not single makes the most sense! It sounds a bit counterintuitive to think about buying individual health insurance when you are married or even have a family but it may be your most cost effective option.

For example if you are married and do not have health insurance through your employer and your spouse may have insurance through their employer but to add you to their plan may actually be cost prohibitive. You may actually save some money by looking into an individual plan instead of paying the high dollar premiums to your spouse’s employer’s plan.

In some cases even if you and your spouse do not have health insurance through your employers it still may be cost effective to each purchase individual plans. In some cases when one spouse has a pre-existing condition it could drive up the cost of your insurance. It may be much more cost effective to each purchase separate plans.

Individual Health Insurance Indiana for Single People

If you are single than more than likely you do not have much choice but to purchase an individual health insurance Indiana plan. In most cases when you are single you are not left with many choices for health insurance unless you belong to a group that offers a group plan.

Unlike the rumors individual health insurance can be affordable. You just have to get some good advice and have the right agent in your corner to help you find a plan that you can afford.

At Acceptable Answers we are that agent. We can help you to find a plan that is affordable and that will meet all of your needs. Give us a call @ 1-888-355-7129 se we can help you today!

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Are you Eligible for Indiana Medicare?

Indiana Medicare is a federally endorsed health insurance plan. There are certain criteria that you will have to meet to be eligible to participate in the Medicare program. The criterion is pretty standard and is the same criteria across the US regardless which state you live in.

The Medicare program was revamped a few years ago and the resulting changes have opened up many different options for this health insurance. Medicare now offers private insurance options. The first step in finding Indiana Medicare insurance that will work for you is to determine your eligibility.

Indiana Medicare is a narrow niche program really. There are three main groups of people that are Medicare eligible.

  1. Group 1- Most people associate Medicare with seniors which is a correct association. The primary group that is eligible to receive Medicare benefits is the senior group. The senior group is made up individuals that are 65 and older. Eligibility can be affected by how much income above and beyond retirement you earn but most people are not affected by it.
  2. Group 2- Permanently disabled people that are receiving Social Security disability payments or Social Security Insurance payments are also eligible for Medicare.
  3. Group 3- Persons in end stage renal failure are also eligible for Medicare.
    If you believe you fall into any one of those three categories than you are very likely eligible for Indiana Medicare. Once you determine that you are eligible than it is time to think about exactly what you want your Medicare to do for you.

Once you are eligible for Medicare than you can participate in the many guaranteed acceptance plans that are available for Indiana Medicare eligible individuals. These plans range in comprehensiveness and in inclusiveness.

There are many options available to people that are eligible for Medicare. You can easily find a plan that will tailor fit your needs. Acceptable Answers can help you to determine if you are in fact eligible and what plan is best for your situation.

Having Acceptable Answers in your corner can make a world of difference! Call 1-888-355-7129 or submit your questions online! We are here to help!

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Why Work With Us

At Acceptable Answers we help you find Indiana insurance plans at a price you can afford. Our insurance agents try to help you find the best plan for you, which fit all your needs at your budget. We don’t try to push a plan on you and our goal is to help you find a plan you want. Our insurance agents are friendly, here to help and are with you every step of the way.

Our Carriers

We work with some of the top insurance providers in Indiana to bring you the best plans that fit your budget and needs. You request quotes from us, we search these insurance companies for you to present you with the plans. We work with:

How We Can Help You Save

With our free quote engine you get instant access to affordable Indiana health insurance plans. You can shop and compare insurance plans side-by-side, wherever you want, whenever you want. We do the searching for you, and you get the results.